Monday, March 9, 2009

One Giant Skylight

Such is the fate of homeowners who are also their own general contractor:  our walls are going up but it'll still be a while until we have a roof.  Until then we have one giant skylight! Before we could put up our very first wall (that's me with the first wall!) we had to dismantle part of the existing exterior wall so we could tie in the new wall to the old house.  We saved the ship lath for Jeff to re-use as the siding of his dream garage.  Ask him about it sometime - he has great plans!

   Next came the framing and heaving into a vertical position of that first wall. (Walls are heavy.  And require a lot of nails.)  More walls then sprouted with some speed, this time built mostly in place and sheated afterwards because the bigger walls would be REALLY heavy.  Framing is one of my favorite parts of building - much quicker and more forgiving than finish work.  Something a bit out of level?  Just give it a whack with the sledge hammer.  Can't do that with finish work :)
Our friend Richard has been a huge help in our building project; of all of us he has the most construction experience.  He and I (mostly him) just keep on putting up more walls.  We have since finished the front, which will be living room on the left and maser bedroom on the right, and have moved on to the back addition.  That part will extend the kitchen an additional four feet and make room for a third bedroom in the back.  When we get this beauty finished we hope to fill up those bedrooms with kiddos!

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